THE TOUCH OF BLUE, 2019, 11:20 min, HD video

thanks to Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair

Directed and performed by Elsa Mencagli
Camera: Loren Kronemyer

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“The touch of blue is a gentle duet between a woman and a machine; a meeting point between two very different agents in which both shed a new and different light on the other.

The work stirs up questions around the physicality of touch. The touch of blue is highly empathetic and sensorial in the ways it invites its audience to experience imaginary touch. How far can touch be elongated - and still feel very real and physical?

What, if we think of objects/technology beyond their utility and function? How can we re-imagine tenderness and sensuality? Are these qualities that reside in the animal/human? Or do they only grow in relation to another entity?” Nora Tormann.

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The work was presented at CELESTIAL BODIES festival, August 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Photography: Maciej Zakrzewski FotoTeatr